
Showing posts from May, 2019

NEA Part 6- Product Profile - Product Style Profile

NEA Part 6 - Product Profile Learning Objectives : K: the importance of sketches and planning in the decision making process of creating a magazine. U: how to use sketches to influence your stylistic decisions. BAT: undertake a creative task in which you start the decision making process in terms of style of your magazine. In this task I will be preparing and creating sketches that should mirror what I want to do with my production.  I believe sketching is important because it can show different ideas and elements of your chosen brief (magazine). Example: In my peer assessment, i got told that i have to many pictures. Therefore, i will use more information on my front cover.

NEA Part 3 - Media Theories Research

In this post I am going to research how media theories can be applied to Media texts, especially in magazines.   This way I can look at which media theories I can use in my own production. Narrative Theories: Propp  – 8 character roles: only applies to mainstream texts where characters often pertain to stereotype. Sometimes, can apply to running news stories by analysing a Hero, Villain, False Hero, Princess (or prize), Her Father, Donor, Despatcher, Helper. Todorov  – Act Structure: Equilibrium, Disruption, Resolution, New Equilibrium. Levi-Strauss  - texts are often understood by the ways things are placed in  binary opposition to each other - the good and the bad, the pretty and the ugly, etc. Audience Theories: Blumler and Katz  - Uses and Gratifications. Stuart Hall  – audience positioning and dominant/negotiated/oppositional readings. David Gauntlett  – Producer as Consumer (Prosumer): thanks to digital media, ma...

NEA Part 2- Intertextuality

Tuesday, 19 March 2019 INTERTEXTUALITY INFO Lesson Objective: K: The concept of intertextuality. U: How the concept of intertextuality is used in media texts. BAT: Analyse media texts using intertextuality. CO: Use media terminology throughout. Intertextuality is where a media product will use features from other different products. It is interconnected through various different ways. For example, allusion, claque, plagiarism, translation, pastiche and parody. This is used to influence the reader and it will become more relatable to add depth to the text. Intertextuality simply means creating one text in reference to another. Intertextuality is not always obvious. References can only be recognised if you know what they are referring to. There are also cultural, social and linguistic limitations.

NEA part 4- Audience Profile

Survey completed on Survey Monkey What did you find useful about the information collated?  How are you going to use the information collated to establish/define a target audience for your product?  What does your audience expect to see in the product you're going to create? How are you going to use the information collated to come up with designs and house-styles for your product? 1] I now know more of what to put in my magazine. 2] My target audience are any football fans who are interested in Chelsea. My information is based on the Champions League final in 2012. 3] I think my audience is expecting lots of information on photos based on the Champions league final. 4] My information is going to go on one side and my designs and photos will be on the other side. My audience can be any gender but they are aimed at a younger audience.  ...