Monday, 11 March 2019 NEA Part 1 - Media Language and Representations Analysis Post 1 – How is media language used in 2 media products to create meaning through constructing representations and following genre conventions ? The best way to answer this is by looking at the representations first, then look at how media language is used to create them... What type of shot/music are they using? What connotations do the colours they use have? What does the set represent the time and place of the situation? What does the make-up and hair used say about the characters/models? What does the body language say about the attitudes of the characters/models used? What connotations can the type of lighting used in the shot/scenes have? How does it help create representation? If you chose to do Brief 1: Choose TWO front covers and TWO double spread articles from educational magazines....
Name 5 ways in which audiences can be categorised. Why do you think it's important for media producers to categorise audiences? What is the target audience as described in your chosen brief? Give a short explanation as to your understanding of the target audience given in your chosen brief 3) Target audience The media industry is highly competitive and all media texts are created with a target audience in mind. If there isn’t an audience for a media text then it won’t be successful either in getting its message across or, if it is a commercial or a media text, it makes money for the producers. Media producers use audience research and analysis to find out as much as possible about their target audience and use that research to ensure their production will appeal to them. 1) Audience are generally split into 3 main categories: social tes,and demographic audiences. Audiences are categorized in order to h...
The statement of intent is a document that you need to write detailing some aspects of your production, like how you intent to use media language to target your audience and the type of representations you will use to appeal to your target audience. Media Language for Print: Colour - denotation/connotation. Typography - size, type of font (serif/sans serif) and colour of font. Image - type of shot (CU, MS, LS, etc) and camera angle. Layout - what goes where on the page and the meaning it creates. Above all, you need to consider how these elements create meaning to the audience and how these create the desired representations that your audience will understand. The two questions you need to answer are: Outline your plans for your production including: How you intend to use Media Language to target your intended audience How you intend to use Media Representations that are appropriate to your intended audience
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