NEA Part 9 - Schedule
NEA Part 9 - Schedule The purpose of this task is for you to identify potential production dates. For example: Why do you think it's important to produce a schedule of activities when working on a production? Name 3 activities you're likely to struggle with? What are you going to do in order to achieve these difficult activities? 1) So you can schedule the specific time and day you want to shoot or film. 2) The different types of shots, the timing and the locations. 3) I will make sure i have the right equipment and time to film. JULY 2019 M T W T F S S 1 2 3 4 5 6- Take photos of different angles for my magazine. 7- Edit my photos and put it onto Canva. 8 9 10- Upload My Front cover and 2 nd section of writing onto Blogger. 11 12 13 14 1...